Collecting Nursing History 64
Nurse Uniform - Nurse/Hospital Scarves
Will Burgess
Early Nightingale School of Nursing Badge Please Note: Whilst every care is taken in checking promoted links, we cannot accept responsibility for your use of third party web links.

Nurse Uniform - 'Scarves'!


It all started (collecting scarves that is) with an email from Mary Pool, the Dementia Program Director at Christian Care Communities & Services in Mesquite, Texas, USA. Mary trained at Seafield Sick Children's hospital nursing School and receipt of her mail left me wondering, in my insatiable curiosity way, just how she had come by the scarf and soft badge. So of course I asked her (!) since the original email had not elaborated.

Her reply was:

"They are both from Seafield Sick Childrens Hospital in Ayr. I trained there and was a nurse there in the 70s. Mary"


Well, lambs to the slaughter (so to speak) and my own doing I know - with the willing help of members 'nusesue' who collects Scottish badges and works in Scotland, and 'OPDbarry' - who has a vast collection of badges and memorabilia, we now have yet another new article start on the theme of nurse/hospital scarves. I wonder where it will all end?  It could be argued that scarves are really a sub division of 'nurse-uniforms, but my own experience is that we were not issued with a free scarf. Not issued with a scarf at all in fact. But there were obviously exceptions some of which are included below. Who knows, we might end up with more scarves than we know what to do with now that many universities sell their own clothing accoutrements.

But for a start I am talking about the pre university nursing sites. We will see where we end up later no doubt....


Copyright Will Burgess@schoolsofnursing.co.uk         

Schools of Nursing.

Hospital Photograph Collections.

Nursing and Hospital badges.

Irish Nursing Badges.
Eric Wilkinson.


Nursing Organizations

Statutory Bodies.
Nursing & Midwifery Council.

Professional/Trade Unions.
Royal College of Nursing.

Badge Makers.
Thomas Fattorini.
Marple & Bradley
Brooke (Edinburg)
K&S (Edinburgh)
J.Gaunt (London)
(Stirling Scotland)
Bladon (London)
Toye&Co (London)

Collector links.

Nursing Badges.

Auction/sales sites.


Eg.Tip: Select 'search', 'View Forthcoming Auctions' select 'Search or Browse Lots to be Sold' and enter 'hospitals' in the description field.


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